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Summer 2004 Class Documents
Documents from Prior Years
- Quiz 3 Formula Sheet - A copy will
be included with the quiz.
- Set 01 of Class Notes on Noise
- Lecture Slides from Chapter 1 The figures are at the end of the text slides.
- Guidelines for Submitting
Homework (From ECE3050)
- Chapter Summaries - After you read each chapter, look at the
Summary at the end of the chapter. The author states a number of
conclusions. See if you can explain the basic reasons for each one.
- Homework Assignment 1 - Work all Chapter 2 problems in Appendix
D. The answers are given in Appendix E. You should try to think each
problem through before you look at the answers. These problems are due
Monday, May 31. Go over the problem for Chapter 1 and be sure you
understand the answers given in the book.
- Chapter 12 Figures
Old Class Documents
- Supplementary notes on noise. Includes the equivalent noise input
voltage, the effects of series and shunt impedances at the input, noise factor and noise figure,
measuring the noise factor, and some example problems.
- An example comparison of the BJT and the JFET. Compares the noise
performance of the BJT and the JFET as a function of source resistance.
Old Quizzes
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